DKU InE 2020秋季创意挑战即将开启!这次,DKU将由你来设计。参与挑战,用你独特的方式,展现你眼中的DKU!入围作品将有机会获得批量化生产,作为DKU宣传作品投入市场!
DKU InE’s Fall Creative Challenge is coming! This time, DKU is for you to design. Join the challenge to show DKU spirit and promote DKU within and beyond our community, in your own style! Selected designs will have the opportunity to go into production to promote DKU!
Scan the QR Code in the poster or click “Read More” to join the challenge.
本期创意挑战主题为DKyoU design,由DKU创新创业和DKU中国招生录取办公室联合举办。在11月一个月的时间内,挑战者们需要以展现及宣传DKU为核心,设计出独具创意的作品。入围作品将在月底的创意挑战展中展览,并有机会获得丰厚奖品(详情见下文)。
The theme of the Fall 2020 Creative Challenge is DKyoU design. It is co-hosted by DKU Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiative and the Office of China Enrollment Management. Within the month of November, participants are tasked with creating a design to show and promote DKU. Selected work will be displayed in the Creative Challenge Exhibition at the end of November, and be considered for the final awards (see below for details).
You may choose one of the 5 tracks below to submit your work:
- Souvenir Design: Clothing, toys, stationaries, etc.
- Graphic Design: Posters, infographics, photography, postcards, etc.
- Video Design: Short videos, MV, stop motion, documentaries, films, etc.
- Event/Service Design: Integrating multiple design elements into an event or service.
- Avant-Garde: Things that do not fall into any of the above tracks – unexplored, groundbreaking, unique.
Participants (teams) are not required or assumed to have any background or experience in art and design. We will offer 5 workshops to equip you with basic conceptual and procedural knowledge. Besides, M&A professors will provide 1on1 advisory session for project teams. Participants are also free to bring their previous work to participate in the event, as long as it’s consistent with the theme of the challenge.
创意挑战展将于11月30日开始。届时将同时展出春季 In the Midst of COVID-19 Crisis 和秋季 DKyoU design 的入围作品。在第一天的开幕仪式中,我们将现场票选出以下三个奖项,并颁发惊喜大奖:
The Creative Challenge Exhibition will start on 11/30, and will display selected work from In the Midst of COVID-19 Crisis and DKyoU design. The 3 awards below will be voted and granted in the opening ceremony:
- Most Popular: 1 first prize, 2 second prizes, and 3 third prizes based on popular vote.
- Judges’ Choice: 3 prizes based on the votes of invited judges (school leadership, professors, and the Office of China Enrollment Management).
- Best Design: 3 prizes based on the votes of workshop instructors.
Design Month Agenda
- Saturday, Nov. 7 Workshop Day IB2028 & 2025, or Zoom
- Friday, Nov. 13 Advisory Session 1 – 4 pm (15min per team) IB 2049, or Zoom (for overseas teams only)
- Saturday, Nov. 16 Preliminary Design Due 11:59 pm
- Monday, Nov. 18 Shortlist Announcement
- Thursday, Nov. 26 Final Design Due 11:59 pm
- Monday, Nov. 30 Exhibition Opening Ceremony & Award Announcement 5 – 7 pm
Workshop Day Agenda
工作坊日程安排 (on 11/7)
10:15 am – 12 pm Workshop 1: Design 101 @IB 2028
将以互动的形式深入浅出地讲解品牌创建(Branding)和设计视觉识别(Visual Identity),学生将在讲师的引导下以DKU为主题设计视觉印象板(Visual Mood Board)。
Understand the basics of design, branding & visual identity. You will be able to create your own visual mood board about DKU by the end of the workshop.
1 pm – 3 pm W2: Souvenir Design @IB 2028
Through brainstorming and interactions, you will have the chance to make prototypes of various souvenirs such as hoodie, canvas bag, and flags.
1 pm – 3 pm W3: Graphic Design @IB 2025
将根据DKU branding VI规范,以互动的形式完成视觉设计的应用及延展。我们将为学生准备好Mock-up Kit,并现场完成部分印刷设计。
Mock-up Kits will be provided for you to DIY your work. By the end of the workshop, you will have already completed part of your graphic design.
3:30 pm – 5 pm W4: Video Design @IB 2028
将以I am here! DKU为主题,以专业的角度讲解如何概念呈现每一个视频,以小组的形式完成每一个小短片,最终我们将串联在一起形成一个创意性的完整的片子。学生不仅可以学到视频设计的理念,同时将获得很大的成就感。
Learn about the basics of videomaking and how to integrate various concepts into short videos through team work.
3:30 pm – 5 pm W5: Event/Service Design @IB 2025
将通过活动简单讲解服务设计概念及趋势,我们将使用一套user scenes的设计故事版呈现的tool kits,带领学生们完成一个小活动的策划流程。
Learn about the trends and framework of event and service design, and go through the whole process of service design using an example event.
The workshops will be instructed by WellDesign, a design education center
established by senior experts with international backgrounds in design.
How to participate
Step 1: 扫描下方二维码或点击“阅读原文”报名,每个团队或个人只需报名一次。如有意愿参加工作坊(强力推荐!),请在表中注明。如需接受M&A教授的一对一指导,请点击链接预约:
Scan the QR Code below or click “Read More” to register (once per team). If you are interested in attending the workshops (highly recommended!), please indicate so in the form. To receive 1-on-1 advising from our M&A professors, make your appointment at:
Step 2: 于11月16日23:59前点击链接提交初步设计作品(提交要求见表格):
Submit your preliminary design by 11/16, 11:59 pm at (see requirements in the form):
Step 3: 入围团队需于11月26日23:59前点击链接提交最终参展设计作品(提交要求见表格):
Shortlisted teams must submit their final design (to be exhibited) by 11/26, 11:59 pm at (see requirements in the form):
Find DKU in design.
Find the designer in you.
Join the challenge. Now.