Dii is committed to identifying and supporting the most promising and innovative student-driven projects. Our main incubation program is part of the College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program, or Dachuang program for short. It is an important initiative in China that is jointly implemented by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, the General Administration of Customs, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the State Intellectual Property Office, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

To be eligible for consideration in the Dachuang program, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- A project team of no more than five members, of which the entrepreneurship project team must comprise at least two members, with complementary skills and expertise.
- The project leader(s) should be student(s) currently enrolled at DKU, with more than one year to They are the representative(s) of the team and responsible for managing the project and coordinating all the activities of the team. For research-based innovation projects, the project leader(s) will play the role of student PI.
- A faculty member, subject matter expert, or industry advisor
- A well-defined and innovative research/art/business idea or concept with the potential for impact and growth.
- Willingness to dedicate time and effort to the incubation process and the development of the project.
- Alignment with DKU’s values and commitment to ethical and responsible business practices.
Project Types and Levels
The Dachuang program is managed by a project system, which is divided into three types: Innovation Training Projects, Entrepreneurship Training Projects, and Entrepreneurship Practice Projects.
Innovation Training Project (ITP)
- ITP requires undergraduate students to undertake independent research with the guidance of a professional advisor.
- The core of ITP lies in innovation, where students are expected to explore an innovative solution to a research question or technical challenge, conducting systematic literature reviews, research design, data collection and analysis as well as the interpretation of results.
- Students are required to learn how to write standardized research reports and promote their findings through academic conferences, journal publications, and other means.
- ITP emphasizes the combination of theory and practice, allowing students to enhance their research capabilities while also developing project management and teamwork skills.
Entrepreneurship Training Project (ETP)
- ETP emphasizes a comprehensive understanding of the entrepreneurial process and develops the ability of the participants to solve real-world problems through innovative and sustainable products and services.
- The goal of ETP is to expose students to various aspects of the entrepreneurial process, including market research, business model design, financial planning, and team building, through simulated business operations.
- Under the guidance of an advisor, students must complete a comprehensive business plan for completion.
- ETP requires a combination of theory and practice, allowing students to enhance their business plan while also developing project management and teamwork skills.
Entrepreneurial Practice Project (EPP)
- EPP is designed for student teams that have already achieved certain innovative results and are committed to transforming them into actual products and services.
- Under the joint guidance of an academic advisor and industry professionals, student teams will develop market-oriented innovative products or services.
- Students are expected to learn how to apply theoretical knowledge to practice, engage in market validation, product iteration, and business model innovation as part of their entrepreneurial practice activities.
- The emphasis of EPP is on combining innovation and entrepreneurship, with the aim of cultivating students’ insight into the market, risk assessment capabilities, and practical operation skills, laying a solid foundation for their future entrepreneurial endeavours.
The project system is also divided into three levels: Institutional-level Projects, Provincial-level Projects, and National-level Projects (recommended). National-level Projects are recommended to the Ministry of Education by the Jiangsu Education Department (JED), and National-level Projects not approved by the Ministry of Education are implemented with reference to Provincial-level Projects. National programs provide key areas of support. Specific application requirements and key areas are based on the program guidelines issued by the Ministry of Education every year.
Application Process
Dii Fair
- The application process for the incubation program opens at the beginning of each semester with the Dii Fair.
- There is an official call for project proposals at the Dii Fair.
- The Dii Fair also provides prospective applicants opportunity to learn about the incubation program and the experiences of success teams as well as share ideas with others and identify future teammates.
Institutional Level Projects Selection
- The selection of the Institutional-level Dachuang Projects is made through the DKU Innovation Challenge held twice a year in Session 1 and Session 3.
- The accepted projects will be directly eligible for Provincial-level Dachuang Projects selection in Session 4.
To finish the application, you need to:
- Review the eligibility criteria and application requirements carefully.
- Start building your team and find an appropriate advisor.
- Prepare all required documents following the provided templates and guidelines.
- Access the online application portal (https://ine.dukekunshan.edu.cn/dii/application) and complete the online application form, uploading all the required documents.
- Submit the application materials before the stated deadline.
Provincial and National Level Projects Selection
- The Institutional-level Dachuang Projects will have opportunity to revise the proposal for Provincial and National Dachuang Projects selection and publication in the DKU Innovation Gallery around Week 3 Session 4.
- Teams selected for the shortlist will be invited to pitch their ideas to the review committee, which is the final selection round to Provincial and National level projects.
- Notification of the final decision will given around Week 6 of the Session 4.
- The official Project declaration in the MOE system will be early June each year.

The evaluation process is guided by a set of well-defined selection criteria, ensuring a fair and objective assessment of each project idea and team. While the specific weighting and emphasis may vary depending on the nature of the project, the consideration criteria are detailed in Evaluation Criteria for the Projects Selection.
For eligible projects, Dii will prepare application packages for the review committee based on each project’s respective field. The committee includes a panel of experts, comprising faculty members, industry professionals, successful entrepreneurs, and Dii associates. Each application is independently scored based on a set of predefined criteria.
Dii collects and organizes all submitted applications. All applications are reviewed by Dii to ensure completeness and adherence to the eligibility criteria. Incomplete or ineligible applications are promptly eliminated from the process.
The selection of the Institutional-level projects will be all based on the proposal. And the selection of the Provincial-level and National-level projects will be based on 70% of the proposal and 30% of the pitch.
After the comprehensive evaluation process, Dii team eventually selects the top-ranked projects based on the scores of the proposals and presentations to be admitted as provincial and national (recommended) projects into the incubation program. The number of provincial and national (recommended) projects selected may vary depending on the available resources and the quality of applications received.