创新日志线上征稿!Calling For Creativity!
内容:创新日志 Content: Creative Journal
时间:即日起滚动征集 Time: Accepting submission on a rolling basis
入选的作品将有如下奖励: Following rewards will be given to selected CJ
- 50元校卡充值 50RMB to your university card
- 在每月的“创新日志”推送中展示 Showcased in our monthly CJ posts
- 让更多的小伙伴了解你的创意,召集更多的同学加入你的行列! Let more people know about your ideas and join the crew!
How to Participate:
Click on “Read More” to submit your work.
如果你曾经上过任丽琦老师的“社科110-创新与创意力” (SOSC-110) ,相信你对“创新日志”这个词已经再熟悉不过了,每周一篇的Creative Journal对你来说已经得心应手。
If you have taken SOSC-110 Innovation and Creativity with Dr. Liqi Ren, we believe that you are already familiar with the term “Creative Journal”!
If you haven’t taken the course or heard this term, you might be a little confused. Don’t worry! Let us explain.
什么是创新日志?What is a Creative Journal?
A way to track your creative ideas in daily life.
Similar to a personal diary, the Creative Journal is designed to record your ideas and inspirations. The style and form you use are fully up to you. You can use the journal to brainstorm on topics you like, to draw out a mindmap to structurize your thoughts, to record your thought stream, and to draw whatever you want for inspiration. Creative Journal can help you catch every spark of creativity in your mind, so that they can be transformed into reality in the future.
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为什么要写创新日志?Why do we need to keep a Creative Journal?
Creativity comes from observing, experiencing, and thinking about your life. The spark of inspiration in your mind might be the seed that leads to real changes. All you need is to record them. Over time, you will find that these “crazy” ideas may change your life, and even the world.
The first step to creativity is learning to catch the sparks of inspiration in your head. The Creative Journal is an effective tool to help you develop this habit.
关于”创新笔记”专栏 About the “Creative Notes” Column
The “Creative Notes” Column of DKU Innovation and Entrepreneurship aims to be the platform for showcasing your creative ideas and work. In this column, we record innovation stories of DKU students, share outstanding creative journals, and update news about related events.
We encourage you to find your unique way to record your ideas, and gradually develop them into a Creative Journal. You can seek for various voices to comment on your work, find like-minded friends in the field you are interested in, and build up your ideas with friends. Innovation and invention can easily come into beings!
Here Are the Rules:
我们只需要你创新日志中的某一页;We only look for one page of your Creative Journal;
内容不限,形式不限;No limit on content or format;
我们每月从当月投稿中挑选作品,于下月的推送中展示;Work will be selected monthly, and showcased in our CJ post next month;
我们不求完美,喜爱“疯狂”。we are not looking for perfection, but “craziness.”
Give us an opportunity to know the creative YOU!