DKU InE 2023 Dii Fair is coming!

Want to be an entrepreneur? Want to turn a whimsical idea into reality? Want to build a team to make an impact? Want to start your own company in college? See you on the Feb 6, 2023 Dii Fair.   Dii Fair is organized by DKU iNNOVATION iNCUBATOR (Dii) for DKU students who are interested in leading or…

DKU InE 2022 Retrospection

How time flies and another year has passed sneakily. In the face of a series of uncertainties, both known and unknown, DKU InE has been on an unremitting quest for a better-reformed combination of social innovation and campus services, turning DKU students’ imaginations into practicable actions in the year 2022.  In 2022, the InE held…

INNOVATION: Design + Technology + Market

In this ESS, we are honored to invite Keren Chen, who received a Master of Fine Arts degree from the Parsons School of Design, to share with us the innovative method of combining design, technology, and market, including the process from entrepreneurial idea to entrepreneurial achievement, and her unique understanding of the industrial design.

iGEM: DKU Teams Won Two Silver Medals

“Dii” Dii is an engine for cultivating and supporting startup ideas from across the DKU campus. We aim to leverage the dynamism and enthusiasm of young change-makers striving to have a positive impact on the world with their unique ideas and innovative products and services at DKU. Fostering innovative and entrepreneurial thinking in students has been…

2022 Fall Duke Kunshan University Social Innovation Forum

The purpose and responsibility of innovation have changed from economic growth to sustainability transition, from the central role of firms to multi-stakeholder collaboration. Such claims are referred to as “grand challenges” involving “wicked” problems that are “complex, systematic, interconnected, and urgent” (Mazzucato, 2017)“Social innovation is the process of developing and deploying effective solutions to challenging…

0120 Improv theater – Zmack

0120 Improv theater – Zmack Improvisational theater (improv) is a form of theater and acting which trains performers to create comedy scenes from audience suggestions – at the moment, right before their very eyes. As Shanghai’s most celebrated Improv Actors, the Zmack All-Stars will perform a fantastic comedy show and deliver an innovative workshop for DKU students…

Dii 2022 Fall Batch Team Announcement

After careful evaluation by the judging committees, a total of 11 teams passed the tough selecting process and successfully joined the Dii 2022 Fall batch. During the selection process, these teams demonstrated their motivation and passion for innovation and entrepreneurship. With the support of Dii, they will keep working on their innovative and entrepreneurial ideas…