Want to be an entrepreneur?
Want to start your own company in college?
Want to turn an innovative idea into reality?
Want to build a team to make an impact?
These are not dreams!
Here comes the chance!
DKU Innovation Incubator Fair is coming!
“What is an incubator?”
“To hatch chickens??”
Yes! It is exactly the process of hatching your “innovation chicken” ?!
DKU Innovation Incubator (Dii) is the flagship program of DKU Innovation and Entrepreneurship. It serves as an engine for cultivating and supporting startup ideas from across DKU campus. We aim to leverage the young change-makers who strive for bringing positive impacts to the world with their unique innovation products, services, and beyond.
Dii is the platform that can help make your ideas come true!
“You have an idea and you don’t know how to realize it?”
No worries!
Apply to be a Dii team, and we will provide you with various resources, training, and guidance from our advisors and experts. We will connect you to the market and potential investors, and allows you to ride the waves as you pursue your dreams.
“You have an idea and a plan, but no team?”
We’ve been waiting for you!
At Dii Fair, you will have the opportunity to pitch your idea and find your future teammates!
“Still not sure what Dii is?”
Then come to Dii Fair! We will show you the what and how to hatch an innovation chicken.
Time: Thu, Sep 17, 6-8 pm
Location: AB Ballroom