Watson Basecamp @DKU — 社创可以很简单
经过DKU创新创业与Watson Institute大半年的筹备,为期三天的中国首场Watson Basecamp于9月13日在昆山杜克大学圆满落幕!
经过DKU创新创业与Watson Institute大半年的筹备,为期三天的中国首场Watson Basecamp于9月13日在昆山杜克大学圆满落幕!
The exciting DKU Innovation Incubator (Dii) Fair was held last Thursday. Thanks to more than 130 DKUers for coming, and thanks to Scott for the welcoming address!
The exciting DKU Innovation Incubator (Dii) Fair was held last Thursday. Thanks to more than 130 DKUers for coming, and thanks to Scott for the welcoming address!
What does Engagement Manager do?What’s it like to work in McKinsey?
What does Engagement Manager do? What’s it like to work in McKinsey? What can I do with an economics major? Should I apply for grad school or business school? What challenges&opportunities will entrepreneurs encounter? 。。。
Want to be an entrepreneur? Want to start your own company in college? Want to turn an innovative idea into reality? Want to build a team to make an impact?
Want to be an entrepreneur? Want to start your own company in college? Want to turn an innovative idea into reality? Want to build a team to make an impact? These are not dreams! Here comes the chance!
Business for Good was our first experience-based and management-oriented program expected to unleash student’s potential to become future responsible entrepreneurs or business leaders. DKU InE worked with Leping Foundation and B-Corp China that are nonprofit organizations serving a global movement of people using business as a force for good. Students worked with four companies to…