The University-Corporation Lab (U-Corp Lab), is a co-creation platform established by DKU in cooperation with enterprises. It allows students to participate in corporate projects or public welfare in project-based practice, mastering market-oriented innovative methods and skills, and cultivating excellent innovative talent resources for universities and enterprises. In the spring of 2024, U-Corp will open four projects in public welfare, rural education, and creative consumption brands. The themes include county sustainable development curriculum design, application and exploration of artificial intelligence in county education, creative video production, and research on the market development of new consumption brands. If you are interested in the project, please refer to the detailed introduction below and submit your application before March 10, 23:59.
Project Application
DDL: March 18, 2024, 11:59 PM (BJT)
Required materials: Resume, Cover Letter (no more than 200 words)
* For more information about Spring U-Corp Lab projects and project operation modes, please visit IB 2A16 or contact for inquiries.
* All 2024 Spring U-Corp projects will kick-off on March 23.