DKU InE organizes various educational programs and events to facilitate better understandings and practices of innovation and entrepreneurship. These events are offered regularly and can be arranged upon request.
Training Program
Dii offers Innovation & Entrepreneurship Essentials and Training Program for Entrepreneurs as the main training programs for our participants.
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Essentials is a MOOC designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and mindset needed to thrive in the dynamic world of entrepreneurship. Across various modules, students will explore key concepts, practical strategies, and real-world insights curated to empower students on their entrepreneurial journey. From ideation and opportunity recognition to business model development, marketing, finance, scaling, and beyond, each module is carefully crafted to provide you with actionable insights and practical tools to succeed as an entrepreneur.
Training Program for Entrepreneurs is specially designed for Dii participants to learn fundamental knowledge and comprehensive entrepreneurship skills. It consists of lectures and workshops delivered by professionals, experts, and practitioners in relevant fields. The program offers students both fundamental knowledge and practical entrepreneurship skills. It helps students develop a comprehensive venture plan while strengthening their entrepreneurial thinking through a blend of cutting-edge theory, real-world cases, and intensive practice. It guides students through the journey of start-up design, from identifying opportunities, to developing a business model, producing a product or service, devising a growth strategy, and securing financing. It also gives special attention to the social impact of ventures and the social responsibilities of entrepreneurs.
Our program goes beyond traditional entrepreneurship education by incorporating cutting-edge topics such as Business for Good, which explores how businesses can be a force for positive social and environmental change. Through engaging lectures, interactive activities, case studies, and success stories, students will gain a holistic understanding of entrepreneurship and innovation, allowing them to unleash their creativity, solve complex problems, and create value in the world.
DKU InE has 3 signature event series: Entrepreneur Speaker Series, Innovation Summit, and Creative Challenge. Notifications about upcoming events will be sent via email and posted on our website and WeChat account. If there is a specific topic that you are interested in, please email us.
Summer Programs
Our summer programs provide an immersive learning experience that enables participants to take their projects to the next level through intensive theory learning and practice. Notifications about upcoming summer programs will be sent via email and posted on our website and WeChat account.