Hack your ideas into reality Poster

Makerspace: Hack Your Ideas Into Reality

In this ESS, we are honored to invite Tianyi Zhang, Changbai Li, Leyis, and Hao Rong to talk about how to bring your ideas to life by leveraging tools in creative ways and how hackerspaces like Xinchejian provide the incubating environment and nurturing community for ideas to be realized. Get ready to hack your ideas into reality!

Embracing the Power of Podcast & Humorous Narration in Arts

In this ESS, we are honored to invite Lijun Huang (Stage name: Yiru Fan) who is the host of “Eye on East Asia” and “Media Talk”. He will share his journey regarding the podcast shows as well as his perception of this industry. In addition, in order to explore the current situation in the Media Art industry, the development of the art ecology system, and the underlying logic of art history, Mr. Huang invited Mr. Luo Yier, who is the founder of Art Talk Show and the curator of Art KOL. Apart from podcast-related topics, they will also discuss the current situation of young artists and well-educated people in the post-pandemic era and how to upgrade to epic players in this field.

Embracing the Power of Podcast & Humorous Narration in Arts Poster

Embracing the Power of Podcast & Humorous Narration in Arts

In this ESS, we are honored to invite Lijun Huang (Stage name: Yiru Fan) who is the host of “Eye on East Asia” and “Media Talk”. He will share his journey regarding the podcast shows as well as his perception of this industry. In addition, in order to explore the current situation in the Media Art industry, the development of the art ecology system, and the underlying logic of art history, Mr. Huang invited Mr. Luo Yier, who is the founder of Art Talk Show and the curator of Art KOL. Apart from podcast-related topics, they will also discuss the current situation of young artists and well-educated people in the post-pandemic era and how to upgrade to epic players in this field.

DKU InE 2023 Dii Fair is coming!

Want to be an entrepreneur? Want to turn a whimsical idea into reality? Want to build a team to make an impact? Want to start your own company in college? See you on the Feb 6, 2023 Dii Fair.   Dii Fair is organized by DKU iNNOVATION iNCUBATOR (Dii) for DKU students who are interested in leading or…