Poster of Leadership in a Challenging World

Leadership in a Challenging World

Prof. Lin Hua, Former Academic Dean at SKEMA Business School China will emphasize leadership and execution in today’s globalized world combining theories and practical cases. Participants will cultivate their own cross-cultural leadership skills and abilities, and explore the essential qualities of leaders.

DKU 2021 College Student Innovation & Entrepreneurship Training Program!

2021 College Student Innovative and Entrepreneurship Training Program is in full swing at Kunshan Duke University. The Ministry of Education has started the College Student Innovative and Entrepreneurship Training Program (aka “Da Chuang“) since 2015, encouraging students to participate earlier in scientific research, technology development and entrepreneurship simulation, entrepreneurship practice, and other innovative entrepreneurship activities.…

2020秋季 ESS企业家演讲回顾,请查收!

随着时间的流逝 2020年也逐渐步入了尾声 在秋季学期 DKU创新创业共举办3场企业家演讲系列 (Entrepreneur Speaker Series) 有幸邀请到了来自麦肯锡、思念集团 与汤森路透的三位重磅嘉宾 他们的分享得到了同学们极佳的反响。 下面,让我们一起来回顾一下 那些跟大佬们面对面交流的时光!

11月的Entrepreneur Speaker Series来啦!

和业界大佬面对面交流的机会又来啦! 想深入了解市场营销, 认识公共关系(Public Relations)在 品牌运营中的重要作用? 想进一步探索金融与经济领域, 学习金融信息科技和金融安全的知识? 又或者, 想知道两位大佬们如何成为成功的企业家? 那就千万不要错过这次机会! 快来报名参加吧!