什么是“养小鸡计划?”从闪现一个有价值的想法,到把这个想法发展成产品、服务或新的商业模式,创业者实现了从 0 到 1 的成长。而培育和支持学生的创业想法,正是我们创立创新孵化器的初心。
什么是“养小鸡计划?”从闪现一个有价值的想法,到把这个想法发展成产品、服务或新的商业模式,创业者实现了从 0 到 1 的成长。而培育和支持学生的创业想法,正是我们创立创新孵化器的初心。
The exciting DKU Innovation Incubator (Dii) Fair was held last Thursday. Thanks to more than 130 DKUers for coming, and thanks to Scott for the welcoming address!
What does Engagement Manager do? What’s it like to work in McKinsey? What can I do with an economics major? Should I apply for grad school or business school? What challenges&opportunities will entrepreneurs encounter? 。。。
Want to be an entrepreneur? Want to start your own company in college? Want to turn an innovative idea into reality? Want to build a team to make an impact? These are not dreams! Here comes the chance!