Project Name: Visual Communication Design for NGO Project: Supporting the Rural Education Development

Project Time: 2023 Fall

Huochai Box (火柴公益) is dedicated to empowering and supporting rural education since 2017. Their initiatives include an online teacher co-learning community group and local teacher growth centers. By donating educational resources and facilitating corporate partnerships, Huochai aids in the development and growth of rural teachers and students.

Feiyu Li (Duke Kunshan University), 2027 – Leader

Xintong Zhang (Duke Kunshan University), 2027

Shuixintian Li (Duke Kunshan University), 2027

Arabela Urpi Iggesen Valenzuela (Duke Kunshan University), 2024

Our purpose is to support rural education development through visual communication design.

Produce creative videos and graphics that effectively communicate Huochai’s mission, social impact, events, and key activities to the public, thereby engaging various stakeholders, promoting the brand, and raising the attention of public to the rural education.

For public:

  • One video about introduction of Huochai company
  • Two videos about the story hub hold by Huochai
  • Two versions of brochure of introduction of Huochai

For rural educators:

  • One video about introduction of Huochai company
  • Two videos about the story hub hold by Huochai

For donators:

  • One video about introduction of Huochai company

For potential partners:

  • One video about introduction of Huochai company
  • One video about Sibaiji public benefit activities

To view more related outcomes, please click on the link. (Viewable only by DKU community)

Huochai Box (火柴公益), established in 2017, is a public welfare project to empower and support rural education. The project builds an online teacher co-learning community group and local teacher growth centers to provide sustainable growth support for rural teachers. It also helps donate education resources, including books, courses, and mentors, to realize group co-construction and the common growth of rural teacher groups. Until September 2021, the project has matched more than 3 million CNY worth of donations of materials and funds to support more than 4,000 rural teachers and students. Under the influence of Huochai, more than 50 companies and organizations have donated funds, materials, and customized public welfare projects to support rural schools.

For more information, please visit: