Program Summary: The Blue Cat Project is a collaborative IP-creating project that combines content creation and operation. Firstly, this story combines simple entertainment elements with profound connotations. This means that it not only delves into how human should treat other species, including artificial intelligence, but also includes simple entertainment elements such as furry, cute characters, thrilling fights, and stories about love. Secondly, in terms of operations, this project will try a new promotional method that combines all forms, including live streaming interaction, short videos, and peripherals. This not only solves the problems of attracting audiences, maintaining popularity, and making the story vivid but also provides a possible way for the project to achieve more profits.
Members: Weibo Tang (Founder), Yuting Zeng (Voiceover and sound effects), Yuxuan Huang (2D design), Jinwen Hu (AI), Chujie Cao (Script), Mingyue Jiang (Script), Kun Peng (Script), Dantong Zhu (Script)